This ADR describes the outline of the "scene runtime" for Decentraland, it includes a minimum set of required environment functions to run a scene, including the formalization of the RPC protocol to load other parts i.e. the Rendering engine (Renderer from now on).
Decentraland Explorers (defined in ADR-102 are often compared with operative systems that run programs. A scene is a deployable JavaScript program that controls a set of entities in-world, the user-interface, and also may add functionality to the Explorer. Those programs run in a sandboxed environment exposing a set of functions to enable the scene to communicate with other components like the Rendering engine.
The deployed scenes MUST comply with the Scene schema defined in
ADR-51. And the format used to represent the deployment is the one
used in the content servers as defined in ADR-80. Entities can be
loaded as scenes if their metadata matches the scene.json
schema. For the sake of
simplicity in this specification, we are assuming a minimum scene.json
in the
shape of {"main": "bin/scene.js"}
to illustrate how to load
and run the code.
and run it. The mechanism to resolve files based on deployed
entities is explained in detail in ADR-79.
[*] --> CreateRuntime(Entity)
CreateRuntime(Entity) --> FetchCode(Entity)
RequireModules --> Eval(code)
GetInitialState --> .OnStart()
state RuntimeSandbox {
FetchCode(Entity) --> Eval(code)
Eval(code) --> .OnStart()
.OnStart() --> .OnUpdate(dt)
state MainLoop {
.OnUpdate(dt) --> .OnUpdate(dt)
.OnUpdate(dt) --> [*]
The runtime for the SDK7 is compatible with
CommonJS's require
to load
RPC modules. This is so to enable a wide variety of bundlers to create compatible Decentraland
The exposed RPC modules are defined in the protocol repository.
TODO: define and document naming conventions about code generation for modules
// `require` instantiates a proxy to a RPC module. Every exposed function
// of the module returns a promise.
// require must fail immediately if the moduleName is invalid or unknown,
// and it must return a Module or Proxy synchronously
function require(moduleName: string): Module
// Commonjs-compatible modules
const exports: Object
const module: {
readonly exports: typeof exports
// extra functions
function fetch(requestInit: Request): Promise<Response>
function fetch(url: string, requestInit: Request): Promise<Response>
class WebSocket {}
function setImmediate(fn: Function): void
TODO: Document fetch and WebSocket adaptations for Decentraland Scenes
The scenes synchronize with the renderer via the EngineApi.crdtSendToRenderer
using the CRDT protocol defined in ADR-117. The renderer will keep
a local copy of all the entities and components required for rendering. Those components are
in their majority serialized using protobuf as defined in ADR-123.
The EngineApi.crdtSendToRenderer
response includes a list of CRDT messages to be
applied in the local scene, that is used to send information back from the renderer like the
position of the player.
participant S as Scene
participant K as Runtime
participant R as Renderer
S->>S: Load the code of the scene and execute it
S->>K: require("~system/EngineApi")
activate K
K-->>R: Create scene ID=1
K-->>S: EngineApi
deactivate K
loop function onUpdate(deltaTime: number)
S-->>S: engine.update(deltaTime)
S->>R: crdtSendToRenderer(stateChanges)
activate R
R-->>R: Apply patches to the engine owned entities
R-->>R: Execute queries
R-->>S: CRDT changes (if any)
deactivate R
S-->>S: Apply patches to the scene owned entities
The scene can hook up to certain events by adding functions to the
variable. The functions that can be registered are:
onStart(): Promise<void> | void
is the first function to be called in a
scene. It is recommended that all side-effects related to the initialization of a scene are
performed inside the onStart
onUpdate(deltaTime: number): Promise<void> | void
is called every frame.
It is in charge of the scene itself to run the frame and send/receive changes to the
// The following example only illustrates an hypothetic scenario,
// since it is a low-level API and it shouldn't be used this way
let rotation = 0
export async function onUpdate(deltaTimeSeconds: number) {
const speed = 0.001
rotation += deltaTimeSeconds * speed
await sendUpdatesToRenderer()
💡 Since the runtime is compatible with CommonJS, the event handler functions can be exported as
export function ...
and skip themodule.exports = ...
for convenience.
const engineApi = require("~system/EngineApi")
// this is a lamport timestamp, required by the CRDT rules
let timestamp = 0
const position = Vector3.Zero()
const scale = Vector3.One()
const rotation = Quaternion.Identity()
// entities are now numbers
const entityId = 1234
// component numbers, defined in .proto files
const transformId = 1
const rendererMeshId = 2
const transform = Transform.serialize({ position, rotation, scale })
const mesh = RendererMesh.serialize({ box: {} })
// now we are sending the component messages from the LWW-ElementSet
// this sets the transform & meshRenderer for the entity
const messagesBackFromRenderer = await engineApi.crdtSendToRenderer([
CRDT.PutMessage(entityId, transformId, transform, timestamp++),
CRDT.PutMessage(entityId, rendererMeshId, mesh, timestamp++)
module.exports.onUpdate = function (deltaTime: number) {
const transformId = 1
position.x += deltaTime
const transform = Transform.serialize({ position, rotation, scale })
// now we are sending the component messages from the LWW-ElementSet
// this sets the transform & meshRenderer for the entity
const messagesBackFromRenderer = await engineApi.crdtSendToRenderer([
CRDT.PutMessage(entityId, transformId, transform, timestamp++)